#HelpUkraine-СF — це спільнота незалежних, патріотично налаштованих
людей. Коли наша
Україна в вогні не можемо стояти осторонь.
ГО "Афіна-Україна" вже більше року виготовляють маскувальні сітки. У квітні волонтери організації передали військовим 36 маскувальних сіток загальною площею 1212 м2 та 9 маскувальних пончо.
У даний момент черга більше десяти сіток загальною площею 740 м2 і з кожним днем вони додаються.
Спанбонд, закуповують декількох кольорах: хакі, олива, піксель,коричневий та зелений. Потреба у матеріалі постійна, одного рулону вистачає максимум на два тижні.
За зверненням керівника ГО "Афіна-Україна" наш фонд відкриває терміновий збір для придбання трьох рулонів спанбонду! Сумма 15000 гривень! Швидкість виконання замовлень на сітки напряму залежить від наявності матеріалу.
Кожен може зробити свій неоціненний внесок у перемогу України над ворогом!
Все буде Україна!
Ми обʼєдналися навколо ініціаторів нашої спільноти з однією
метою: спільними зусиллями
швидкими діями забезпечити ЗСУ, Територіальну оборону і міські громади всім
у воєнний час.
Чим Допомагаємо
Вивчаємо потреби зсу, тро, медичних закладів, підбираємо необхідне обладнання та засоби індивідуального захисту, та доставляємо їх.
Комплектуємо, обслуговуємо, ремонтуємо та передаємо транспортні засоби для потреб ЗСУ, ТРО та медичних закладів. Доставляємо вантажі.
Медичне забезпечення
Співпрацюємо з найкращими лікарями з усього світу, які сміливо
допомагають нам із медичним
обладнанням, ліками, аптечками та іншими дрібничками
Амуніція і одяг
Підбираємо та комплектуємо тактичний одяг для військовослужбовців.
Підготовка спеціалістів
Підготовка спеціалістів у європейських навчальних профільних центрах
Проектуємо, будуємо, ремонтуємо житло та промислові об’єкти, які постраждали внаслідок військових дій.
Програми благодійного Фонду
Будівництво локальної інформаційно-комунікаційної мережі з покриттям Wi-Fi.
Благодійний фонд «Допоможіть Україні» долучається до діджиталізації "середньої загальноосвітньої школи №281" Святошинського району м. Києва, збором коштів на будівництво локальної інформаційно-комунікаційної мережі з покриттям Wi-Fi та інтеграції до неї комп’ютерних класів, звичайних класів освітнього закладу. Освітній процес не має зупинятись у зв’язку з агресією Російської Федерації. Для учня у сучасному світі знайомство з комп’ютерними технологіями - є критично важливою складовою навчання. Зараз учні знаходяться на дистанційному навчанні, тому вчителі як ніколи потребують засобів комунікації з учнями.
Потужності об’єкта: Локальна мережа з оптоволоконними магістральними лінками та лінками доступу витою парою з розрахунку 213 од. в звичайні класи. Забезпечення Wi-Fi покриття в коридорах та класах. Прогнозована кількість робочих місць локальної мережі – 89шт., інтерактивних дошок -55шт., проекторів – 63 шт., мережевих принтерів – 6шт., швидкість доступу 100 Мб/с. Електропостачання від існуючих джерел. Електроживлення однофазне, змінного струму 220В, 50 Гц.
Розрахункова кошторисна вартість будівництва складає 1 045 157,81 грн., з урахуванням всіх витрат пов’язаних з виконанням даних робіт. Обладнання: Шафа телекомунікаційна – 8шт., Комутатор доступу – 13 од., Маршрутизатор центральний 1- од., Точки доступу – 17 од., та інше обладнання згідно кошторису.
“Для нас робота нашої Благодійної спільноти — це справа Честі.”
Хто ми
“Не зволікаємо та оперативно реагуємо. Особисто знаємо кожного, хто приєднується до нашої спільноти і запрошуємо до співпраці лише небайдужих та вправних в організації Швидкої допомоги”
Пінькас Олександр
Засновник фонду, інженер-будівельник
Займається підбором всіх необхідних
технічних засобів та автомобілів для
потреб ЗСУ і тер.оборони. Вирішує усі
питання логістичної підтримки
Шрамченко Дмитро
Засновник фонду, архітектор, реставратор
Має 35-річний досвід організації
будівельних процесів , світових проектів
різної складності . Налагоджує доставку
вантажів з Європи. Виконує будь-які
«нерозв’язні» адміністративні завдання
"Accelerated recovery of soils damaged as a result of military actions, based on innovative biotechnologies"
Relevance of the work: As a result of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, large areas of agricultural land were damaged due to explosions of ammunition, burning equipment, firing points. In the soil profile, the structure of genetic horizons was disturbed, which was formed over thousands of years and provided conditions for the functioning of microbiota and the cultivation of agricultural crops. The level of soil pollution with toxic substances increased, organic matter and soil biota were destroyed due to high-temperature exposure due to explosions.
Today in Ukraine, the condition of agricultural lands that have suffered and continue to suffer from active military operations and the use of various types of weapons is a major environmental problem. Pollution by substances that got into the soil as a result of explosions of ammunition, burning equipment, points of combat fire with violation of genetic horizons, changes in the content of organic substance and the structure of microbiocenoses causes justified concern about possible violations of the ecological balance in ecosystems and in the microorganism-plant system in particular. Toxic substances present in the soil, overcoming the barrier of the rhizosphere microbiota, get into plants and agricultural products, and further along the trophic chains - into the human body. Detoxification of toxic substances is becoming an urgent problem that needs an immediate solution. To this list, we can add the transportation and storage of a large amount of petroleum hydrocarbons and their derivatives, which are used as fuel and lubricants for machinery, and which have also become an environmental problem due to large fuel spills, which often occur in the middle of agricultural lands and occupy large areas. This makes it necessary to find a solution to reduce their impact on ecosystems.
Biological protection of plants on polluted lands in Ukraine also needs to be solved, it is an important scientific and industrial problem, the successful solution of which largely depends on the level of competitiveness of agricultural products on the world, European and domestic markets and the sustainable development of agroecosystems.
Today, Ukraine is faced with the biggest problem in its history - the pollution of agricultural land with fuel and lubricants of military equipment, iron residues, toxic components of rocket fuel, the destruction of agronomically useful microbial communities as a result of high-temperature explosions, which in turn leads to the development of the phytopathogenic part of the microbiocenosis. In connection with a large percentage of mined or occupied territories, the sown areas suitable for growing agricultural crops have been significantly reduced. Against the background of anthropogenic factors, climatic factors have also been added, which act as stressors in the growth and development of plants and prevent obtaining high and high-quality harvests and carrying out planned agricultural activities.
Therefore, there is an urgent problem of getting out of the agrarian crisis through the restoration of the affected lands, the destruction of toxic substances in the soil, the restoration of the biological potential of the indigenous microbiota and its ability to self-clean, increase the resistance of plants to adverse biotic and abiotic factors, and also improve the growth and development of agricultural crops to obtain greater crops on available land with the help of the biosynthetic potential of microorganisms.
Despite the various bioremediation research projects taking place around the world, there are still several gaps that prevent a full understanding of how this technology works, as many experiments have been conducted on a laboratory scale, where a large number of factors have been controlled, reducing interpretation performance of the system in real conditions, where weather conditions can also affect the decomposition of pollutants. The processes of soil self-recovery take a long time. An uncontrolled direction of self-renewal can lead to an irreversible loss of soil fertility.
The goal of the project is the development of biotechnology for the accelerated restoration of the ecological state, microbial cenoses and soil fertility, damaged as a result of military actions, based on the use of innovative biological preparations created by the authors of the project for the agrarian sector of the economy and ensuring food security of Ukraine.
The work is devoted to the study of the ecological state, the presence and quantity of pollutants that have entered the soil as a result of hostilities, the determination of the conditions of microbiota and biological activity of damaged arable lands, their phytotoxic state, the development of biotechnologies for detoxification and the return of affected lands to full land use using destructive microorganisms toxic substances, as well as innovative complex microbial-organic biological preparations that activate plant growth, increase their resistance to phytopathogens, contribute to the restoration of biodiversity and productivity of agrophytocenoses.
General research plan.
• determination of the state of microbiocenoses and biological activity of the soil, which form its fertility to identify the most sensitive ecological and functional groups and provide ways of their restoration;
• studying the impact of pollutants arising during military operations and their impact on the phytotoxic state of the soil and the presence and number of pathogens of key plant diseases in it, which are able to persist and live in this ecological niche for a long time.
• development of technology for obtaining microbial-organic preparations in semi-production conditions, application of microbial and organo-mineral preparations developed by the authors of the project for soil detoxification at selected points of contamination with the aim of optimizing the main biotechnological parameters of the use of the developed preparations for conducting research and production tests of their effectiveness in innovative technologies of accelerated soil restoration;
• creation of complex organic technology of accelerated soil recovery using microbial and organic remediation based on innovative complex microbial biopreparations and promising and organo-mineral fertilizers;
• study of the ecological state, presence and amount of pollutants that entered the soil as a result of ammunition explosions, burning equipment, points of live fire, which will make it possible to find out the direction of detoxification of pollutants;
The obtained results will be the basis of organic technology for recultivation polluted soils from the remains of toxic chemicals, restoring their biological activity and fertility, as well as accelerating their introduction to sustainable land use, which is relevant and important for the agricultural sector of the economy and ensuring food security of Ukraine. It should also be taken into account that Ukraine occupies a prominent place in the World Program to fight hunger, supplying agricultural products to countries in Asia and Africa. The need to carry out the planned works is due to the situation surrounding the war events, which endangers the agricultural potential of Ukraine. Soil changes caused by military actions lead to a decrease in their fertility or to complete withdrawal from land use, which endangers the economy of Ukraine, where the agro-industrial complex in modern conditions is the main filler of the budget. The cost of reclamation of lands with damaged fertile soil as a result of hostilities in Ukraine today is estimated at $39.6 million, and this process will take decades.
This will not only make the use of this microbial biotechnology for the restoration of polluted soils economically feasible, but will also solve urgent environmental problems associated with military operations on the territory of Ukraine.
As a result of the implementation of the planned works, a competitive, economically profitable technology will be developed to revive the agricultural potential of arable lands damaged by military actions (and other harmful factors):
- firstly, as a result of cleaning the territories from the remains of toxic chemicals, which include various explosives and petroleum products.
- secondly, due to the application of a complex of agrotechnical works together with the use of biological preparations based on microorganisms and their metabolites, which stimulate the growth and stress resistance of plants, activate the indigenous microbiota, increase the productivity of agricultural crops and the quality of the obtained plant products.
The biotechnology developed by the authors is relatively inexpensive. The existing proposals for the return to use of the affected lands do not take into account the biological component of the soil, but rely only on chemical and agrochemical indicators. Compared to existing biological preparations on the market, the developments planned in the project will have advantages, as they allow to improve not only the organic but also the biological component of the soil.
Dankevych Andrii
1. Date of birth − April 19, 1980
2. Postal address, place of residence, contact number, electronic address − 02206, Kyiv, str. A. Akhmatova, h.35, f. 43, tel. (050) 405 01 94,
e-mail: an.dankevich@gmail.com,
3. Place of main work (study) - full name, location – National University of Food Technology, Ukraine
4. Position – Professor of the Department of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management.
6. Degree, academic rank and date of their award
− Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2006;
- Doctor of Economic Sciences since 2012;
- Senior Researcher since February 25, 2016
7. The number of the diploma on awarding a scientific degree, a scientific degree
− Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences DK No. 034170;
- Diploma of Doctor of Economic Sciences DD No. 001499;
- Certificate of Senior Researcher of AS No. 002058
8. Speciality:
− 07.08.02 - economy of agriculture and agro-industrial complex;
- 08.00.04 - economy and enterprise management (by types of economic activity).
9. The topic of the dissertation:
- “Development of leased land relations in agriculture” to acquire the degree of the Candidate of Economic Sciences;
- “Formation and efficiency of functioning of agricultural holdings” to acquire the degree of the Doctor of Economic Sciences.
10. Main field of study:
Being an expert in land relations and effective use of agricultural land, the main scientific interests are connected with methodological and organizational, and economic foundations of the formation and functioning of the agricultural land market, leased land relations; the formation of integrated economic structures; the research and implementation of ways to improve the efficiency of the agricultural land use.
The object of the study is the process of the development of the land relations and effective use of agricultural land in conditions of market transformations.
Experimental research data of A.E. Dankevych is presented in more than 150 scientific works, in particular, in 59 articles in specialized scientific foreign and domestic publications included in scientific databases, in particular Scopus (Journal of Business Economics and Management, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetuthis, etc. .), 6 methodological recommendations, 7 monographs.
11. Participation in grants.
Dankevych A.E. is a co-author and executor of a number of scientific and technical programs;
- “To develop scientific and methodological foundations of the development of land relations and increase the efficiency of the use of agricultural land in market conditions of management” No. 44.02/061, 0106U006644
12. Awards
In 2005 Andrii Dankevych was awarded a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (Resolution No. 2 of the Presidium of the Committee on State Awards of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology of June 24, 2005).
13. Key publications in professional editions
1. Agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine (state and development prospects) / [Prysiazhniuk M.V., Zubets M.V., Sabluk P.T., Dankevych A.E., etc.]; under the editorship M.V. Prysiazhnyuk, M.V. Zubtsa, P.T. Sabluka and others. - K.: NNC IAE, 2011. - 1008 p.
2. Dankevych A. Development of integrated structures in agriculture: a monograph.- K.: NNC IAE, 2011. - 350 c.
3. Dankevych A. Formation and efficiency of functioning of agricultural holdings: dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree doctor of economic sciences 08.00.04. Kyiv, 2012. 415 p.
4. Modern trends in digital transformation of marketing & management/ collective monograph / Edited by Olena Chukurna and Viktor Zamlynskyi. Košice: Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach, 2023. – 604 p. ISBN: 978-80-8185-061-5
5. Dankevych A. Development of land rental relations in agriculture: dissertation to obtain a scientific degree candidate of economic sciences: 08.07.02. Київ, 2005. 193 с.
Main Articles
1. Horák, J., Bilan, Y., Dankevych, A., Nitsenko, V., Kucher, A., & Streimikiene, D. (2023). Bioenergy production from sunflower husk in Ukraine: potential and necessary investments. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 24(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.17756
2. Dankevych, A., Perevozova, I., Nitsenko, V., Lozinska, L., Nemish, Y. (2023). Effectiveness of Bioenergy Management and Investment Potential in Agriculture: The Case of Ukraine. In: Koval, V., Olczak, P. (eds) Circular Economy for Renewable Energy. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30800-0_6
3. O. Denysiuk, I. Svitlyshyn, I. Tsaruk, O. Vikarchuk, A. Dankevych (2022). Diversification in the enterprises’ activities for sustainable development in the agricultural sector. Rivista di studi sulla sostenibilita, Pages 18 P. 85-102 , DOI 10.3280/RISS2022-002007
4. Ostapchuk, T., Orlova, K., Biriuchenko, S., Dankevych, A., & Marchuk, G. (2021). Defuzzification in the process of managerial estimating the value of agricultural lands. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 7(4), 62-81. https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2021.07.04.04
5. Dankevych, A., Sosnovska, O., Dobrianska, N., Nikolenko, L., Mazur, Y., & Ingram, K. (2021). Ecological and economic management of innovation activity of enterprises. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 5, 118-124. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2021-5/118
Oleksandr POPOV is a head of scientific programs of the Foundation, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, young scientist.
Since 2013 he has been working at the State Institution "Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" having progressed from senior researcher to deputy director for scientific and organizational work.
Scientific activity of O. Popov is associated with development of mathematical and software tools for solution problems of environmental monitoring of technogenic objects, solution of current problems of environmentally safe and sustainable functioning of domestic nuclear power plants and the use of immersion technologies in problems of radiation monitoring. Results of his work are covered in more than 240 scientific papers.
For his scientific achievements O.O. Popov has following awards: by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists (2017, 2020), the President of Ukraine award for young scientists (2018), the scholarship of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (2019–2021). In 2021 was awarded the Thanks of the Kyiv Mayor for significant contribution to development of national science, strengthening scientific and technical potential of the capital. In 2022 was awarded the Order of Honor and certificate “For significant personal contribution to development of independent Ukraine” from the National Project “Your Names, Ukraine”.
O. Popov actively carries out international scientific cooperation with well-known scientific organizations in Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Lithuania, the USA and others. Participates in the implementation of NATO Grants, European Commission program projects, etc.
In the Foundation Oleksandr takes care about the problems of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine who: defend the country in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense; suffered in a result of military actions; are internally displaced persons who need to continue research to benefit of the development and reconstruction of Ukraine.
Oleksandr offers to support the following initiatives:
RECIPROCITY – It is support for scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (and their families) who protect and defend the country. The project is focused on individual requests of scientists regarding the need for their material and technical support (camouflages, gloves, tactical kits, first aid kits, radio-sets, food kits, etc.)
Aim: 50 000 Euro
CLEAN WATER - Mobile unit of water purification in the field conditions for military personnel and people in emergency situations.
Aim: 50 000 Euro
INNOPROSCIENCE - Creation of interactive, innovative online platform for highlighting scientific results of young scientists (in the form of ready-made technological solutions) for their presentation to international community with possibility of further commercialization of scientific achievements of young scientists.
ТЕРМІНОВО! Знайшли та поставили на резерв каски зразку НАТО. На
збір – 3 дні. Тести пройдено,
відгуки зібрано.
Каски поїдуть батальйону Нацгвардії та ЗСУ та берегтимуть світлі голови наших воїнів.
Вартість - 25.000€ за 50 касок
02. Пікапи
Козаки, збираємо на броньований на найшвидші пікапи для наших
воїнів. На них вони зможуть
мегаефективно добиратись до будь-якого потрібного їм місця
Вартість - 20.000€ за 4 пікапа
03. Аптечки
Знайшли чудові аптечки індивідуальні першої допомоги для наших
Суперякісні, надійні та вміщають всі потрібні ліки
Вартість - 90.000грн за 30 аптечок
04. Потужний генератор
Друзі, збираємо на генератор. Зможе забезпечити електроєнергією
ціле село. Потужний, надійний,
швейцарський, майже новий
Вартість - 3.500€
05. Автівка швидкої допомоги
Дорогі, потрібно закупити автівки швидкої допомоги, щоб ефективно
та оперативно надавати поміч
усім потерпілим
Вартість - 10.000€
06. Драбина портативна
Українці та україночки, збираємо на портативну драбину. Її можна
підєднати до джипа чи будь-якого
Підійде, щоб використати як переправу через невелику річку або щоб спустити постраждалих з
верхніх поверхів.
Вартість - 900€
#Волонтерському роду — нема переводу!
#Волонтерському роду —
нема переводу!
Кожен день наші сміливі Українці і Українки боронять нашу землю і Незалежність
Рідної землі, ризикуючи
життям. Допоможемо їм робити святу справу та наблизимо спільними зусиллями Перемогу України!